Saturday, April 7, 2012

Nothing interesting ...

Hellooooooooooooooo guys!

It passed long time since I wrote the previous post. Well, in my own defense, I have to say that lately I am very busy... I have lots of homework to do and I get nervous more and more. I just can't stop thinking that exams are getting closer and closer. Two weeks ago I started to read "Ghosts of Spain", and I dare to say it's a big "rollo". There are so much stuff, so much details... just thinking and I'm going crazy... still I do not know if I'll be able to summarize each chapter in very few words. It's a big challenge!!!!

Then I downloaded the audiobook but I haven't started listening it yet. My friend, Cristina, has already uploaded it in the Virtual Classroom, but I was more busy doing the Dutch writings, reading the book "Das Idealpaar", making the ordinary homework, studying, etc. I know you're thinking I'm trying to find excuses, but it's the truth. 

Yesterday, I made the summary of  " The Secret Few People Guess" and now I'm gonna make a kind of postal in Dutch. 

P.D.: I used to visit a Spanish webpage called "Asco de vida". There people write about their bad luck. Yesterday, I read something very funny and I said I must share this with us!!! Here it comes:

"La semana pasada, estaba hablando con una amiga mía cara a cara y el único idioma en el que nos podemos comunicar es en inglés. En un momento de la conversación, ella empezó a hablar muy deprisa y yo, inconscientemente, bajé la mirada. En un acto reflejo, mi mente estaba buscando los subtítulos. ADV" 


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