Sunday, April 29, 2012


Hello again!!

For the moment, I will not write any posts for the English course, unless I have time to do it because I've just finished "my mission" (do you remember?) so I have to do other things, too. 

Before leaving, I have to say I'm very glad that I made this activity. Finally, it was not a "mission", but you know, at first, I didn't feel like doing this. It was a very good experience which helped me to improve my English writing (or I think so). Never mind, I hope you enjoy my blog and my experiences and thank you so much for reading it.
Good night, everybody!                                         

Curiosities ~ Ligres and Tiglons

Today I will dedicate this post to one of the most interesting marvel of the world: the evolution of tigers and lions.

1. The liger is a hybrid cross between a male lion and a tigress. It has parents with the same genus but of different species. It is distinct from the similar tiglon.
Ligers enjoy swimming, which is a characteristic of tigers, and are very sociable like lions. Ligers exist only in captivity because the habitats of the parental species do not overlap in the wild. Notably, ligers typically grow larger than either parent species, unlike tiglons which tend to be about as large as a female tiger. Amazing, isn’t it?
The liger has both stripes and spots. The stripes are inherited from its tiger parent and the spots from the lion parent. Ligers are usually orangish/golden in color. However, there have been white tigers bred with lions to produce a very light golden coat on the offspring. If the hybrid offspring is a male, it will have a leonine mane, facial ruff of a tiger but it will not be as large and defined as a normal lion's mane.
The liger gets most of its strength and size from both of its parents. On their hind legs, ligers stand approximately 12 feet tall. At most, ligers may weigh up to 1,000 pounds. Their highest weight ever recorded is 1600 pounds. Other cat species like tigers and lions are almost half or less than the weights of the ligers. 
However, the keepers and handlers do not want to make the ligers fat. Usually they give the ligers around 30 pounds of meat in one day.
Ligers make the sound of both a lion and a tiger, although their roar tends to sound more like a lion's roar. A liger is capable of achieving a maximum speed of 50 - 60 miles per hour. The exact numbers of ligers are near to 100. The lifespan of ligers, as well as other hybrid animals, is shorter than a normal species.

2. A tiglon, tigon, or tion (not tigron) is a hybrid cross between a male tiger and a lioness. It has parents with the same genus but of different species. The tiglon in not currently as common as the converse hybrid, the liger; tiglons were more common than ligers. They often weigh around 180 kilograms.
There is less interest in tigons because they do not reach the same impressive size as the liger. The size and appearance depends on which subspecies are bred together.

Tigons are sometimes referred to as Tiglons Tigons are very rare; only a few exist in the world and even those are only held by private owners. This is because it is much more difficult to get the male tiger to mate with the female lion. Tigons look similar to ligers. They have varying stripes and spots. Tigons are also orangish in color. They are able to produce both lion and tiger sounds when they roar. One difference between tigons and ligers is their size. Tigons are not nearly as large as ligers. In fact, tigons are often times smaller than both of their parents. The lifespan of tigons, as well as other hybrid animals, is shorter than a normal species. They are are prone to cancers and other illnesses.

3. Reports also exist of the similar titigon, which result from the cross between a female tiglon and a male tiger. Titigons resemble golden tigers but with less contrast in their markings.
So, what do you think about all this? I was shocked when I saw it, but it is so amazing and wonderful. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

♥ What is Love? ♥

It is a question that we often make. To find the answer to this question all we have to do is to look inside ourselves and find what love represents for everybody of us.
From my point of view, love represents the deepest feeling that exists between two persons. When you love a person, then you are not interested in knowing anything about any other that is not he or she, nevertheless it is the feeling which can provoke, in occasions, very much pain. But will love exist forever? I do not know.
But what will happen if the person that you love the most in your life will leave you? This is very difficult to explain. First you would feel many sadness and pain as if you want to die ... the second thing you would think is that you could not live without him / her... The suffering provoked by the separation of the dear person cannot erase anybody: (
All I can say is if confidence does not exist between two people, the relation will not have any FUTURE! To love is nice but it is nicer when you fall in love with the suitable person ♥


Friday, April 27, 2012

Exams are here... I'm terrified :(

Hello again! I've not been in touch for a while because I was very busy. I've been doing a lot of homework recently and I'm very, very nervous because exams are here!! OMG! I hope I’ll pass all of them with good marks.

So, do you remember I said in the last post that the English book was a big "rollo" for me? Well, after all, it was not so bad. Firstly, I didn't feel like reading it because of the extension of the book. But, little by little I started enjoying it. 

But I also think the author told this book offering us, the readers, a point of view a little bit anglocentric. We know he is working in Spain for the English newspaper, The Guardian, and he lives in this country since 2007, I believe. So, I expected to see them a bit more involved in the history and culture of this country. On the other hand, I enjoyed the book, too. There were many funny stories such as “How the Bikini Saved Spain”, which I mostly liked.

After a very long and tired week, it's time to go to sleep!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Nothing interesting ...

Hellooooooooooooooo guys!

It passed long time since I wrote the previous post. Well, in my own defense, I have to say that lately I am very busy... I have lots of homework to do and I get nervous more and more. I just can't stop thinking that exams are getting closer and closer. Two weeks ago I started to read "Ghosts of Spain", and I dare to say it's a big "rollo". There are so much stuff, so much details... just thinking and I'm going crazy... still I do not know if I'll be able to summarize each chapter in very few words. It's a big challenge!!!!

Then I downloaded the audiobook but I haven't started listening it yet. My friend, Cristina, has already uploaded it in the Virtual Classroom, but I was more busy doing the Dutch writings, reading the book "Das Idealpaar", making the ordinary homework, studying, etc. I know you're thinking I'm trying to find excuses, but it's the truth. 

Yesterday, I made the summary of  " The Secret Few People Guess" and now I'm gonna make a kind of postal in Dutch. 

P.D.: I used to visit a Spanish webpage called "Asco de vida". There people write about their bad luck. Yesterday, I read something very funny and I said I must share this with us!!! Here it comes:

"La semana pasada, estaba hablando con una amiga mía cara a cara y el único idioma en el que nos podemos comunicar es en inglés. En un momento de la conversación, ella empezó a hablar muy deprisa y yo, inconscientemente, bajé la mirada. En un acto reflejo, mi mente estaba buscando los subtítulos. ADV"